For a long time, we at BINDHER PRODUCTIONS have been fans of the Japanese Bondage Video - the simple plots, beautiful women and the painfully tight, tight ropes. Now, our own ROY HOBBS has produced the first homage to this genre.....
VICTORIA VEGA stars as Melanie, a tall, buxom beauty who has her quiet home invaded by a hooded intruder. At first, the girl's thoughts are filled with the stark fear of an anticipated rape - or worse. Soon, she finds that her captor's purpose is much more lengthy - and painful.
Melanie is stripped and quickly bound into the Japanese "taate" position - her wrists secured and then cruelly pulled high on her back. Her mouth is silenced with a binding cloth that pulls her soft cheeks
Position after position, hour after hour, the beauty is trussed so tightly that even small struggles wear her out. That doesn't stop her captor from pulling her into a standing bondage trap or binding by her long, thick blonde hair.
back in agony....
For one brief moment, Melanie sees a chance to escape her hemp prison, but it turns out this was yet anotrher trap and the madman demands that she accept MORE tight bondage - or pay a much worse price.......
ORDER ME & go to our new SECURE SERVER and get your video F-A-S-T or If you prefer to order by FAX GO HERE for you easy-to-use-form If you prefer to order by MAIL GO HERE for you easy-to-use-form
TIGHTROPE is a 80+ minute video in Digital VHS color & sound. This film contains on screen tying, gagging,and nudity. You must be 18 years of age to order.
HELD is $34.95 which includes U.S. PRIORITY MAIL SHIPPING All Major Credit Cards as well as Money Orders & Checks accepted - International Air Mai l Please Add $5.00