Three beautiful women - three terrifying stories - one very definite fate. Each one snatched from their lives and plunged into the darkness of sleep - awakening to tight ropes and mouth-filling gags.
The first tale shows us dark haired Pamela (MIA COPIA) - a tough young business woman who is suprised in her car by a glove wearing sicko that nearly breaks her neck as he forces her to breath in a rag soaked with chloroform. She fights valiantly, but soon the darkness holds her until......she awakens in a filthy garage, strapped to a hard chair and soon silenced with her own panties and MOUNDS of clinging tape.
Even bound & gagged, the raven-haired beauty is not spared more of the choking drug. Time & again she is put under only to be revived by a cruel needle. Where will it end????
Then we move to Jessi (VICTORIA VEGA), pulled from a darkened parking lot, her lungs betraying her into submission. While she sleeps, the buxom girl is stripped, bound & gagged and then tortured awake with electric pulses wired into her sensitive breasts.....
More tortures follow - each one bringing with it another wadded gag and then more chloroform. Finally, she is trussed into an unmoving form and forced to breath in the horrid drug through a cruel bag placed over her head. Will this be her final sleep?
Finally, there is Melody (JEWEL), betrayed by an employer who plans on saving his failing business with proceeds earned from the young blonde's unwilling body. She awaits her fate with hours of captivity. Coils of rope hold her still, and several different gags fill her soft mouth. Melody knows she can't escape...she promises not to scream...so why is he forcing her to breath in that bitter smell? What will he do to her while she is COMPLETELY helpless? PLEASE NO....NOT AGAIN...MMMMMMmmmmmmmm
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SILENT ABDUCTION is a 90 minute video in Digital VHS color & sound. This film contains on screen tying, gagging, EXTENDED CHLOROFORMING and nudity. You must be 18 years of age to order. SILENT ABDUCTION is $34.95 which includes U.S. PRIORITY MAIL SHIPPING All Major Credit Cards (as well as Money Orders & Checks) accepted - Please add $5.00 for International Air Mail.